Saturday, January 29, 2011

Today i read a news which is emotionally very disturbing. It says each year around 7lakh girls are killed in India, not by somebody else, but their own parents in the very mother’s womb. This is by Satyabrata Pal, a National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) member ( Read ).

Yes of course we can say it's their choice so it's their funeral. But this chilling statistics doesn't mean just numbers to me, its more a mindset of the fellow citizens. We Indians proclaim from the roof tops that we are well ahead in education, in family planning, in adult literacy etc.. etc.. but the kitchen-sink drama is incessantly going. An average joe is still under fallacies that girls are burdens. Or it may not be fallacy rather in all honesty they are under deep water, not able to make ends meet and in addition to it they can not bear a girl child. By the way if somebody asks why this only to a girl is the crack. I feel its due to lack of cognizance from many indirect causes like illiteracy, orthodox beliefs etc.

But this is not just one matter we face. Corruption,terrorism,poverty,over population,urban housing,dowry system,illiteracy like countless numbers of issues. Still at its 63rd year after independence we face these kind of hard nuts to crack the sixty four dollar question to me is - are we Indian’s really progressing or is it applicable only to some (parts) ??

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