Sunday, June 26, 2011

An interesting controversial experiment in the history of ever.

Today  a word stuck in to my mind when i was going though some of the internet posts "The Milgram Experiment". When i dug more in to it, the facts were really interesting and shocking too. This was an experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram, an Yale University Professor to study about a subject's obedience to an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience. I used to wonder about well educated people suddenly getting dragged into terrorism kind of activities where they never had any  intention of doing the same in their early lives. I think this might be an answer to it. Read more about the experiment :   

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A very good article on Obama's Innovation Agenda.

 Always its true that anything you start doing, if there are more helping hands the better you do.Team Work is always been a scuccess mantra. Here is a good article from U.S president Obama where he speaks about Global Innovation Netwroks. His agenda is mainly focusing on sustaining US economical growth, but i think India too needs to think through the same line and apply this to make innovations happen.